Testmo works with any test automation tool and framework to report your test results for test automation management. And it works with any workflow, whether you use CI/CD pipelines, a build server, or manually launch your automated tests. Take a look at the following topics to get started with Testmo and test automation.
Start sending your first test automation results to Testmo in minutes.
Learn about Testmo's test automation concepts such as runs, sources & threads.
CI/CD Integration
Integrate with any CI/CD platform such as GitHub, GitLab, CircleCi & Jenkins.
Tool Examples
Concrete examples on integrating with dozens of popular automation tools.
Testmo CLI
Our cross-platform CLI tool to submit test automation results to Testmo.
Full reference of command line options and supported workflows
Automation Jobs
Launch automated test runs or other jobs in your CI/CD pipelines from Testmo.
Last updated