
We are tracking and publishing new product features, improvements and bug fixes in this changelog. If you have any questions about any change, please let us know.

2024 May


  • Added: Implemented new storage access & third-party cookie phaseout support for Jira add-on (live for new Testmo instances)

  • Updated: Released new testmo-api package on NPM with updated dependencies

  • Updated: Released new testmo-cli package on NPM with updated dependencies

2024 April


  • Fixed: Missing blue marker support for HTML rich-text fields

  • Fixed: Image overlay issue in toolbar in rich-text editor

  • Fixed: CSS rendering mismatch for nested list tags in rich-text (between edit & view mode)

2024 March


  • Updated: Released new testmo-api package on NPM with updated dependencies

  • Updated: Released new testmo-cli package on NPM with updated dependencies

2023 August


  • Added: Support for managing tags in admin area (Admin > Tags)

  • Added: Bulk-set for statuses for steps in add result dialog

  • Added: Quick pass/fail for steps in add result dialog

  • Added: Optional grid view (side-by-side) for steps in add result dialog

  • Added: Select & unselect entire folders with sub folders in select cases dialog


  • Added: Show confirmation dialog for complex dialogs when pressing ESC key

  • Added: Auto-select first non-empty folder when opening repository or runs

  • Added: Auto-expand sub folders with case selection in select cases dialog

2023 July


  • Added: Set forecast attribute for test cases in repository when updating estimate

  • Added: Use estimate attribute of test cases in repository without forecast as fallback for test run & milestone progress

2023 June


  • Added: Support for demo & training projects with advanced sample data


  • Fixed: Auto-filter for excluding test cases with automation links in new runs uses incorrect default value

  • Fixed: Viewing, printing or exporting repositories, runs or sessions may include custom fields for cases/tests/sessions from previous templates (i.e. with previous values after template change)

  • Fixed: Deleting an automation source does not immediately update the related automation run count statistics of the project

2023 March


  • Added: New read-only API endpoints for projects, milestones, runs & sessions, automation runs & sources as well as users, groups & roles

  • Added: Support for copying test assignments when duplicating test runs


  • Changed: Timestamp values in CSV exports now include milliseconds

  • Changed: Improved error handling & log messages in Testmo CLI for server responses

  • Changed: Improved error handling & log messages in Testmo CLI for starting external processes


  • Fixed: Opening a repository or run with a preselected folder may not show direct and indirect parent siblings by default

2023 February


  • Added: Support for test steps for automated tests

  • Added: Support for parsing output and type hints in JUnit files in Testmo CLI and submitting artifacts, fields & steps

  • Added: Support for rewrite scripts for result files & automated tests in Testmo CLI


  • Added: Show warning in Testmo CLI without any valid JUnit result files

  • Added: Support for additional file extensions for JUnit result files in Testmo CLI (example: .junit)

  • Changed: Testmo CLI now sends fields & properties for all automated tests (previously only for failed tests)

2023 January


  • Added: Support for linking repository test cases to automation

  • Added: Status column for test cases on repository page with latest status & most recent results based on manual and automated tests


  • Added: Test cases in select cases dialog are now regular links (now supporting the browser's open in tab & copy link features)

  • Changed: Increased default sizes for many resizable dialogs for improved usability


  • Fixed: Cached folder nodes may be shown twice in folder tree after copy/move on repository page

2022 December


  • Added: Support for issues when editing multiple test cases (bulk edit)

  • Added: Support for issues when editing multiple sessions (bulk edit)

  • Added: Support for issues when editing multiple runs (bulk edit)


  • Added: Statuses on statistic popups for runs & automation runs are now links

  • Added: Show latest status & support for recent results for test cases in Jira Connect add-on

  • Added: Show latest status for issues linked to test cases on Issues page for runs

  • Added: Test cases & tests in search results on repository & run pages are now regular links (now supporting the browser's open in tab & copy link features)

  • Added: Show number of test cases & tests in a folder / group on repository & run pages (next to folder / group name)

  • Added: Right-click on folders on repository page now opens the context menu

  • Added: Support for ctrl+click for links in tables on repository and run pages

  • Added: Support for middle mouse click for links in tables on repository and run pages in Safari (other browsers were already supported)

  • Added: Onboarding / getting started tour for new Testmo accounts & new project permission hints on several pages (project & repository overview)

  • Changed: Increased width of Issue column on Issues pages for milestones and runs & is now responsive

  • Changed: Increased display length of folder, test case and test names on repository and run pages


  • Fixed: Status filter on Activity or Issues pages for milestones or runs may incorrectly return a 404 Not Found error under certain conditions

  • Fixed: Duplicating one or multiple runs with deleted test cases may result in a "numeric IDs only" error when opening the select cases dialog

  • Fixed: Deleting a full automation source with automation runs and linked issues may result in an error

  • Fixed: Link-based issue tracker integrations do not support case-sensitive view URLs (as they are changed to lowercase)

2022 November


  • Added: Print & PDF reports for repositories

  • Added: Print & PDF reports for runs

  • Added: Print & PDF reports for sessions

  • Added: Print & PDF reports for automations runs


  • Added: Optimized all pages for print & PDF export by hiding navigation and other elements in print mode

  • Added: Support for changing column width directly in column selection popup for repositories, runs and automation runs

  • Changed: Better handling of Add step action click with scrolled steps list

  • Changed: Add step keyboard shortcut now uses focused step editor with multiple step fields


  • Fixed: Run notes are not rendered as rich-text on Status page

  • Fixed: Possible 503 response for /api/v1/automation/runs/threads/{automation_run_thread_id}/complete API endpoint with many concurrent threads

2022 October


  • Added: Search cases by name and ID in repositories

  • Added: Search tests by name and ID in runs

  • Added: Search tests by name and ID in automation runs

  • Added: Case / test ID column support for repositories, runs & automation runs


  • Fixed: Redirects in notification emails for run & test events may result in an unknown notification error

2022 September


  • Added: Keyboard shortcut to quickly add new test case steps

  • Added: Add another case option to quickly add multiple test cases

  • Added: Archived automation runs are now marked as archived in the header toolbar


  • Fixed: Removing user avatars in admin area may result in an error if those users also added project avatars

  • Fixed: Export button for automation runs may be clickable even if button appears disabled

  • Fixed: Case / test may not be auto-selected in repository / test runs if folder is not part of the initial (partial) folder tree

  • Fixed: Rendering issue of untested background pattern in status charts for closed runs

  • Fixed: Hiding the New issue popup when resizing the browser window while adding new issues

2022 August


  • Added: Export for repositories (test cases & folders) to CSV

  • Added: Export for runs (runs, tests & results) to CSV

  • Added: Export for sessions (sessions & results) to CSV

  • Added: Export for automation runs (runs, tests & comments) to CSV


  • Added: Import for test cases now supports fractional values for estimates (for seconds, minutes & hours formats)

  • Added: Gherkin (Cucumber) syntax highlighting for code blocks in rich-text editor

  • Added: Option for 90 days for archiving automation runs


  • Fixed: Formatting timespans may show incorrect values for seconds (with fractional values and rounding to full second)

  • Fixed: Rendering the update dialog for a custom field option without any projects may result in a validation error

  • Fixed: Improved rendering and word wrapping of long words in text notes

2022 July


  • Added: Copy dialog on repository page for copying cases & folders across projects


  • Added: Full test case and test links on repository and run pages (now supporting the browser's open in tab & copy link features)

  • Added: Additional documentation link for site admins without add/edit case permissions in empty repositories

  • Added: Additional warning message regarding referenced resources for the admin delete project confirmation dialog

  • Added: 2FA can now be deactivated for a user by a site admin on Admin > Users & roles

  • Added: Showing confirmation popup for changed but not applied filter in select cases dialog

  • Changed: Entity info popups now always show the full names untruncated (e.g. test case names)

  • Changed: Increased minimum length for common prefix with compact folder name option for automation runs

  • Changed: Timespan values (e.g. estimates) are now limited to a reasonable value

  • Changed: Add Issue popup now reserves more vertical space to fully display with all browser window sizes


  • Fixed: The Jira push feature did not retrieve new issue IDs in some cases

  • Fixed: The edit dialog for project options for a dropdown custom field may not open in some cases (related to value icons & colors)

2022 June


  • Added: Check cookie/login support before offering login on Jira issue panel (Atlassian Connect add-on)

  • Added: Now showing configurations of test case on test page (and highlighting configuration of current run)

  • Changed: Ignore non-whitelisted URLs when opening image galleries

  • Changed: Increased limit for folder records when importing test cases


  • Fixed: Missing loading indicator for opening update dialog for multiple test cases

  • Fixed: Long status tags did not use ellipsis/overflow in some cases on repository or run pages

  • Fixed: Order of rendered fields (e.g. when viewing a test case or test) may be incorrect with a mix of different templates on repository or run pages

  • Fixed: Table of workflow states is not refreshed after changing workflow state position via drag&drop

  • Fixed: Table of fields is not refreshed after changing field position via drag&drop

  • Fixed: Info dialog for blocked browser popups (e.g. with Jira integration) is not shown with some browsers

  • Fixed: Non-ready custom fields were not ignored for column schema on repository or run pages

  • Fixed: Non-ready custom fields were not ignored when copying test cases



  • Added: Import for test cases & folders from CSV files

  • Added: Import for test cases & folders from TestRail XML files

Last updated